Project Annotation Process
The data should be uploaded to the’s server. The Service Provider will setup the annotation items and attributes and annotate a few frames to demonstrates the design to the Client
The Client and the Service Provider will agree on the structure within’s platform
The Service Provider will annotate up to 5% of the data
The Client will provide feedback for the annotated data. With this mind The delivered 5% of the project will act as the help and baseline for the remaining annotations.
Once the Client is happy with the annotation of the 5% of the data, approves the work. The Service Provider will continue working on the rest of the data
The Service Provider will perform QA for the work and label it as “Customer QA.”
The Client, in real-time, can access “Customer QA” labeled data and either approve or reject it. Once the Client is happy with the annotation, change the annotation to “Delivered” for the Batch.
When all Batches are delivered, the project ends. The Client can export the Batch once the status changes to “Delivered”.